A Peace of H-Art – Tribute to the Passing of Michael Leunig a favourite Poet who I spent the day with – I share my Four Favourite Poems & some words of wisdom

Thankyou for your “Peace of H-Art”  A Tribute to Michael Leunig , one of my favourite Poets & Great Teacher of Yoga & Mindfulness in another form. Michael Leunig passed…

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Trauma Aware Mindfulness & Coping with People

There’s one thing we all need without a doubt when it comes to feeling connection in life” ~ PEOPLE There’s also one thing that is the reason behind feeling disconnected…

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Mindfulness and Broken Heart Syndrome – Links between our Emotions & The Heart – Happy Valentines Day

Given it is Valentines Day coming up thought it was timely to share this interesting TED TALK looking at the links between Emotions and our Physical Heart. The link between…

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