Join Tammy & Lee in this three day immersion for both students , teachers &/or trainees. 

A great opportunity to increase your fitness, develop your core and learn new techniques about the “Subtle Body” in Yoga to help steady the mind and sustain your motivation in a nourishing way without burning out!

This immersion is the best of all three modalities weaved together – Mindfulness Yoga & Pilates – plus you will get Guided Meditation practices to highlight your own happiness anchors, ensuring that you are in tune with your “core values” 

You’ll receive a variety of ways this can be practiced and taught – weather it be calming weaving in Roll n Release to regulate the nervous system. Or upbeat to detox, cleanse and have a good time challenging your body and mind.

 Info on the Modules we cover below 

  • This is also open to Yoga Students who want to immerse themselves and develop their own practice (without needing to do the Teaching components) 

This is the perfect blend of Mindfulness Yoga Pilates & Roll n Release Yoga (Yoga with tune up acupressure balls , Pilates rings & corgeous balls that are soft used for therapeutic use to support, open & nourish the body in different ways) Weather you are wanting to do this as the perfect Self Retreat style Immersion or to gain Teacher Training Skills to Teach Mindfulness Based Core Yoga – you will find this to be both personally rewarding for your Body, Mind & Heart. As a bonus for those who are already teachers or wishing to be – you will have a unique class that can be offered to a variety of students in a variety of ways. 

You will also have the special support from Two International Teachers with decades of experience in the industry – Tammy Williams & Lee Churcher. Both whom are dedicated to life long learning and who bring with them different areas of strength in teaching the same thing differently. 

You will experience the Therapeutic benefits from all three areas 

– Yoga (both physical yoga & ‘subtle body yoga’ which means we look at the interconnectedness between how our mentality impacts on our physicality) 

Pilates – a method to help with core awareness, pelvic stability & spinal health & of course Mindfulness – our speciality. You’ll also be introduced to ways to use equipment to add value to you & your students experience. Along with variations in delivery and practice : “Heart Core” , “Hot Core” , “Subtle Core” all with the added benefits of threading Mindfulness & Meditation throughout. 

Both Tammy & Lee have been in the health and fitness industry for over 25 years each and Yoga NRG was the first school in QLD to run a Mindfulness Based Power Yoga Teacher Training many years ago. 

You are getting quality facilitators who have done their time in the industry , both committed to helping people help people and lovers of learning. Each brining their own unique style and flare to this form of practice given different backgrounds and this is what they will allow you to do. Weather you are doing this for yourself or to help others you will enjoy variety and realise “Mindful Core Yoga” has many adaptations , making it enjoyable to practice and teach if you choose. 

NEXT IN PERSON TRAINING Sunshine Coast or Contact us about Online Option 



Introduction to Foundation of NRG & Mindfulness Based Core Yoga

Applying the Eight Limbs of Yoga to Mindfulness Core Yoga

Benefits of MBCY

A Mindful Approach to Core Awareness & an Introduction to The Subtle Body ~ The Subtle Body includes not only the more Subtle Regions of our Core , this includes an integration of Mind in all of it’s Subtle aspects. The Mind & Body are intricately connected , you will learn how our Mind, Core Values & Beliefs that we hold can show up in the body and better still how we can skilfully work with this using a Mindful Toolkit 

Core / Pilates Foundations and using the Pilates / Corgeous Ball to activate , control and let go 

Postures of a Mindfulness Based Core Yoga Class

Pranayama  ~ Specific Breathing Meditations for creating focus, freedom & ‘space’ 

Mudras for Mindfulness Based Core Yoga  ~ Yoga in your Hands that helps strengthen specific qualities of Mind within Mindfulness Based Core Yoga 

Meditations to use in conjunction with this blend of Yoga & Pilates rich in tradition and adaptive to suit many health & wellness environments 

Mindful Philosophy & key Yoga Sutras that help support our inner & outer strength stability & ease (Mentally & Physically) 

How & Who we can help with this specific style of Mindfulness Based Core Yoga. 

Meet your Lead Facilitators for Mindful Core Yoga Teacher Training

Lee Churcher is bubbly, light & yet humble with decades of experience as an International Teacher of Pilates & Yoga Teacher, she is also a PT, a Mum who absolutely loves learning. Lee completes multiple trainings each year & has a passion for variety, without losing the potency of being able to teach key foundations effectively with safety & simplicity. Lee has completed multiple certifications in Pilates, along with a Master Certificate in Functional Fitness. Expect to learn safe foundation and unpack how to safely progress and build on these intricate layers within the body to help maintain physical & mental fitness. 

Lee has trained and has taught on Yoga NRG Retreats and brings with her a broad range of knowledge and experience and light hearted Scottish passion & humour. Lee’s also been known to belt out the odd Line Dancing Session & Awesome Senior Classes in our Local Community  . Not to mention great playlists and a love for mixing up sequences using Pilates soft balls & more to help nourish core, glutes and more. 

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Tammy Williams is the Founder / Author of Yoga NRG & Mindfulness Teacher Training Programs and Lead Teacher Trainer. After having had back injuries from nursing & other injuries from Surfing like meniscus tears, Tammy is super passionate about training others to teach the healing benefits of this special blend of Mindfulness Meditation Yoga & Pilates. The perfect blend for those who need support physically, or even those who love multi modalities to strengthen their Mindfulness & Align with their Core Values in what ever they are doing – this is for you.

“I love Yoga & Mindfulness as a way of life and naturally over time have brought these in to any physical training I do – I enjoy pilates &  the core stability that it brings. I was once asked to deliver a presentation at a Fitness Expo on Abs – although everyone was expecting how to get a six pack perhaps I spoke about the importance of pelvic floor and more. After all a six pack is no good to you in your later years if you are incontinent (I may have put it another way;) – it’s to highlight this training is not just about a ‘hard core workout’ – it goes deeper than that. Although we will have some fun and will feel the fitness benefits, this will include some Mindful Gems to consider in daily life for you & your loved ones. 

This has been many years in the making created over time from an accumulation of what I enjoy and what I have used to help myself and others in many ways.  It goes beyond the Core (Abs) and includes one of my favourite topics The Subtle Body.

What I hope to deliver in the Teacher Training within the personal development components is to give you the time and space to feel, heal & create your own sequencing / delivery style inspired by the contemplations & special activities we offer you in the Training.  No doubt the group dynamic will create learning that is unique also.  I also love what Lee brings in her teaching. We both have a love for all modalities & the bagpipes;) – so who knows what the training will bring (definitely some interesting playlists perhaps) & some peace and quiet to tune in to you & your most subtle components.  


35 Hours (25 Contact Hours + 10 Non Contact Hours

Comprehensive Manuals Texts
Sequence Sheets

START Bonus Classes as soon as you register (included for those doing 300hr + 500hr TT)

No Pre-requisites Note a minimum of 200HR is required for certification

Early Bird - $710 or when taken with 200 hour or 500 hour NRG Teacher Training
Full Price $990

35 Hours Given Toward Full 500 HR YTT with Yoga NRG

In Person &/or live online