Nothing prepared me for Mindfulness Based Long Slow Deep Yoga – Find out What LSD Yoga is & How Yoga Teacher Training can be a Priceless Practice in Todays World of Constant Stimiulation

“Some yoga classes have stood out for me as being truly life-changing.  This class is one of those. I can overdo the doing part of my life, I am learning the…

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Why Mindfulness Matters: Every 40 seconds someone commits suicide!

(World Health Organisation, 2017)   Someone asked me, Why Teach Mindfulness?  Why teach Yoga?  This is why!  World Mental Health Day should not be the only day we raise awareness…

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Mindfulness Problem Solving and Understanding Conflict

There are many styles of Meditation. At times sitting on your own, trying to get still and discern the accuracy of your thoughts, beliefs or gut feelings especially when you…

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