From Mat to bat & Mindfulness Meditation Cushion to the Creases ~ Key Players of The Australian Cricket Team share the benefits of Mindfulness

“Seeing the Australian Cricket Team in their Downward Dogs here at Newlands Stadium, in Capetown, witnessing the sledging getting personal - it’s no surprise that players are finding extreme benefits…

Continue ReadingFrom Mat to bat & Mindfulness Meditation Cushion to the Creases ~ Key Players of The Australian Cricket Team share the benefits of Mindfulness

What drives addiction to striving? Learning how the Pillars of Mindfulness can help us shift chronic dis-ease

Non-Striving is one of the Pillars of Mindfulness. "This craving for position for prestige, for power, to be recognised by society, as being outstanding in some way, is a wish…

Continue ReadingWhat drives addiction to striving? Learning how the Pillars of Mindfulness can help us shift chronic dis-ease