Understanding Mindfulness to deal with fear

A Challenge for yr Tuesday
Learn ways to regulate your reactivity so you can enjoy the uniqueness of each experience you are having
Our mind can be like a wild beast especially if we feed our fears. Thoughts that are prehistoric are worth questioning. By prehistoric ~ they’ve been there for a long time because they are the top of the food chain. Sitting in meditation isn’t always sunrises and rainbows! The content of the mind can be feel a little uncertain especially when the beast of the mind is not tame.
It can chew over and over things and it can literally get in the way of you “living” your life, in all its mystery.
Meditation isn’t about positive thinking it’s about really seeing what’s there, being curious about its nature. It’s normal to be scared about things we haven’t taken the time to understand.
Seeing this croc with its mouth open someone near by said , maybe it’s getting ready to attack. It had its mouth open for a different reason.
Crocs don’t sweat, they open their mouths to regulate their temperature.
Learn ways to regulate. Don’t sweat the small stuff . Tame the wild beast of the mind by getting to understand it.
Some of what you think is from so long ago and may not apply to the next experience you have
Because each experience is unique
Enjoy it
Happy Tuesday

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Tammy xox

?Mindfulness Level 1 + 2 Courses October (Perth) May v 2018 Sunshine Coast

? Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention Training ~

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