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Mindfulness of Staying Current is like Surfing by Tammy Williams

Mindfulness for your Monday  ~ Use the current of your breath to STAY CURRENT . I love keeping Mindfulness & Meditation simple. Being fully inside the current of the breath offers a powerful sense of space and quietness.
Perhaps like being inside the barrel of a wave , having pure Lifeforce flow in and around you. All of a sudden things go completely quiet and then your out again 😅 But you never forget that brief moment, you never forget the feeling. Even if it was a little peak of the possibilities. Meditation is like this.
So you keep practicing not because you have to or you want more barrels (or even one😉 that you could claim as valid) You keep going back to it because you know it’s good for you. Call me old fashioned … When you are completely absorbed in the breath (life itself) it’s the real life form of my style of “live streaming” .
Yoga & Meditation is something that has been around for thousands of years. You don’t need to keep updating your extensions or get the latest IOS version. You just need to keep remembering (sati) what keeps you alive .
Find your equivalent of surfing and let being inside the current of your breath enhance it. If it’s one thing that gets me to my yoga mat , it’s functional benefits so I can keep doing the things I love. Today it maybe being able to bend down and put on my leg rope so my board and I are a little safer in the surf (sometimes) The next day it maybe appreciating the ability to simply walk . Being able to balance on one leg gives us access to a lot we probably take for granted.
All you need to be able to Practice Yoga is your BREATH. Theres a lot being offered in Yoga that you cannot see, but you can feel it. A good step to staying with the current of your breath is to learn to focus and minimise distractions (turn your pop ups OFF and pop inside your breath) it will help you take care of the rest.
Namaste .
Tammy 🙏 xo
** We have a 7 week Mindfulness Course starting soon – contact 0439418571 for more information

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