Mindfulness Teaching & Training for our Kids or a Rewarding Calling & Profession

This passage echos the Ripple Effect Mindfulness can have on our little people

One of the Pillars we talk about that supports our ability to calm our nervous system is “Non Striving” and we practice Guided Meditations that help decrease our Red Zone Responses & Reactivity and build new neural pathways toward being able to take in the good more & often

We also explain why it’s easy to fall into the same old habit patterns and easier ways to get out of our personal or professional ruts

There’s various guided practices that can be adapted for Kids Mindfulness , along with a look at what happens in the brain & mind when we are under pressure & then able to regulate our nervous system

If you’re wanting to take this Immersion for yourself / your kids or embark on a new journey toward a very fulfilling calling to become a Certified Mindfulness Teacher , or perhaps you are already a Health or Fitness Professional wanting a very fulfilling and life changing way to gain CEC’s

Find out more HERE

This Training is delivered by Founder of Yoga NRG Tammy Williams @tammy_yoga_nrg who has been delivering Mindfulness Training since 2007 and working in this area Clinically in a variety of Settings such as School Health Nursing, Recovery & Depression and Anxiety.

LEARN MORE ABOUT your Facilitator HERE

Reach out to us here at Yoga NRG for more information or set up a virtual call to have your questions answered

Next Training commences October & November 2021.
Delivered in person or live online

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