GENTLENESS & LSD – The key to intimacyNow that is POWERful YOGA!

Ever heard of the Serenity Prayer, there is a line in it that says ACCEPT the things you cannot change.
How freakin hard is this at times though!
When you have intense feelings going on inside of you – whether it has been from the loss of a loved one, pet, the loss of a marriage, job, the fact is, it can be bloody hard!
A Powerful part of Mindfulness is to practice taking deep rest and to BE GENTLE! This includes touching what ever it is you are feeling gently. Feelings are there as your teacher so why would you push away, judge or be ashamed of your teacher! This is the opposite to gentleness and in my experience it is exactly why I feel depleated when I do it.
Something I experienced this month is that Mindfulness can feel miles away when you are grieving. It can feel confronting to get on your yoga mat and feel what you are feeling.
The first step is GENTLENESS. This is the true meaning of Powerful Yoga. Letting Go whether we like it or not takes time and a practice that helps me to let go of trying to “control” my process (or my feelings) is LONG SLOW DEEP YOGA.
This is a Powerful Practice because the quality of mind it cultivates is patience and the quality in your heart when you do it is PURE INTIMACY.
When you touch something gently like greif you realise it is there simply because you LOVE DEEPLY.
Sometimes when grief has stripped us of our motivation taking deep rest (part of Mindfulness) is important- thanks to Mark one of my meditation teachers of this ‘gentle’ reminder. Once you have taken deep rest when the time feels right – surround yourself with great mates, great mentors and pluck up the courage to role out your yoga mat once again. Yoga is a great tool to help you develop a deep level of self respect and remind you that you are not in control of the human experience of Grief. Grief can be just the thing to teach you the importance of BEING GENTLE. Thanks to Dan Millman for sending me these comforting words of wisdom –
Meantime, accept the hurt born of love for a while longer, and know that it will indeed transform to all those loving memories and moments you shared, and for the rest of your life you’ll be glad that it happened…
Sincere thank you to Dan Millman who has been a mentor during this time of grief and loss and who’s books continue to support my process.
I highly recommend all of Dan Millmans books in particular The Way of the Peaceful Warrior (my favourite book of all time) and
Everyday Enlightenment – The Twelve Gateways to Personal Growth has some great tips in it for dealing with intense feelings and letting go.
Click here for Dan Millmans Facebook page and twitter for some daily inspiration
A big Thanks to Bryan Kest (Founder of Power Yoga) who I have been fortune enough to travel with during his Australian Tours since 2010. Thanks for arriving at just the right time this year and for inventing one of the most Powerful Practices of Yoga that I continue to practice, teach & explore within the scope of my own life experiences- it is the closest thing to Vipasana that I have ever experienced.
Thanks to Mark for taking the time to simply “sit” in meditation with me.
Forever grateful
In memory of my best mate & companion who was by my side for every home practice of Yoga I ever did.
Namaste xox
Enjoy your practice
Tammy xox

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jenni

    Thanks Tammy
    This really struck a chord in me, bringing tears to my eyes.
    I know so many other people would feel this too,
    and maybe find some kind of peace from your words,
    Thankyou so much for sharing xxx

    1. admin

      Thanks Jenni xox

  2. Laurie Gracie

    Dear Tammy,
    Thank you so much for sharing your feelings with us. You have such an open heart.
    I am really proud of you. You have achieved so much in the years since we met doing our yoga training together. You are a real inspiration to me.
    All will be good 🙂
    Look after yourself.
    Laurie xx

    1. admin

      Thanks Laurie, thank you for the support you have always offered xox lot of love , Tammy

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