The Importance of the Diaphragm Muscle & Mindfulness plus Why it Takes Balls to Let Go

  • Yoga NRG is hosting Australia’s Only Accredited Yoga Tune Up Teacher Trainer in the The Roll Model® Method., Lee Heron. Below is a great post from Yoga Tuneup on the importance of understanding more about our diaphragm. Methods like Roll n Release Yoga contribute to helping us look after this very important muscle.

    Find out why it just may take “Balls” to Let Go and why an Integrated approach using Mindfulness  is necessary


    The diaphragm is the pneumatic hub of your body. It’s health impacts every system on a macro/micro level. It has unseen contributions to posture, performance, gait, emotional regulation, digestion, elimination, circulation, immunity and respiration. It’s directly connected to ever-popular trunk muscles that are a training target in the fitness world. The muscle building (bigger is better) bias can leave the diaphragm without balanced mobility to its neighbours.

    It’s fascial connections can be traced from the pelvic floor to the trigeminal nerve (face). Imagine chronic over-tensioning of any of the muscles above or below this parachute shaped muscle, or scars anywhere on the trunk, and understand how its full range of motion runs into a mobility challenge.

    Your diaphragm should be moving down&up throughout the majority of your day during abdominal breathing (in a calm, relaxed state). As it descends during its contraction phase, it creates a vacuum that involuntarily draws air into your lungs. This should happen automatically, without thought, which is why it is a primary activity of the autonomic nervous system. As the diaphragm ascends into its dome shape during relaxation, it nudges the heart (which sits directly upon it) and the lungs. When it returns to its relaxed position, its pressure helps empty the lungs of carbon dioxide and coaxes venous blood back towards the heart. This is known as quiet breathing and is a function of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

    But if the majority of your day is spent under stresses from work, family, or threat, your diaphragm will not be your primary mode of respiring, instead, your nervous system will outsource breathing to the muscles that move your ribs, shoulders, and clavicles (resulting in thoracic or clavicular breathing). This sympathetically driven breath response is not sustainable for the long term. When your body bypasses the diaphragm, it creates multiple maladaptive responses that pile even more stress upon the body which compile overtime and lead to pain & nervous system dysregulation” (Yoga Tune Up).

    Thankfully as Yoga Teachers &/or Students there are many methods we can include in our Training that can help us release this muscle, learn how to breathe more optimally and find techniques to support the letting go process.

    Yoga with Balls, formally known as the Role Method is a great opportunity for those who wish to slow down, use balls specifically designed for this sort of practice to help us let go of the issues in our tissues (as the saying goes)

    The Letting Go process is multilayered.  It’s not only what we do physically but mentally and emotionally that helps us heal and release.

    This is why Yoga NRG’s ongoing focus is Mindfulness and has been since we started introducing Mindfulness Training well over a decade ago now.  Mindfulness helps us integrate all areas of the physical and mental and when it is interwoven throughout any form of physical practice we can develop insight.  Without insight, we keep repeating the same old habit patterns.

    Lee Heron and Tammy Williams (Founder of Yoga NRG) met in Perth and Lee has hosted Tammy to run Mindfulness Teacher Training in W.A.  Lee delivered the first Roll n Release Method Feature Class on the Sunshine Coast last year which was a sell out and has newly launched a Functional Yoga Anatomy Online Training with Yoga NRG to help support Yoga Teachers in more remote areas and other Yoga Studios to empower their students with this knowledge.

    Lee is assisting Tammy Williams in Long Slow Deep + Restore Yoga Teacher Training. Lee will be delivering a module on the Fascia and its importance to Yin styles of Yoga such as LSD Yoga. The LSD Yoga Teacher Training will also include work shopping how each of us as individuals can access poses differently with props and support. Also why certain body types/proportions can access with ease or are challenged in certain postures.

    Both Lee and Tammy have dedicated many many years teaching and training and traveling abroad to bring back knowledge and training of a high standard to Australia.

    REGISTER NOW FOR ONE OR BOTH TEACHER TRAINING &/or FEATURE CLASS OPTIONS ~ all welcome as these programs are only run once a year here on the Sunshine Coast 

    Long Slow Deep Restore Yoga Teacher Training with Tammy Williams

    Roll N Release Teacher Training with Lee Heron

    Feature Class Options everyone welcome (all levels classes)

    Long Slow Deep Master Class

    Roll N Release Feature Master Class

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     Given we are now at full capacity for Roll n Release Feature Class we may look into hiring a bigger space APPLY NOW FOR WAIT LIST ~

    Those doing the full ROLL N RELEASE TEACHER TRAINING or the LSD TT / RnR package will be given first preference if we are limited with space.

    Contact us now 0439418571 or or to Register For Wait list.

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