Lessons from A Peaceful Warrior and a Yoga Teacher Training Student

I was just talking to a friend/college , both sharing with humour how quickly reactivity can come up. One minute you can be saying in your head “right I’m not going to react” and within seconds you are going off your chops.

Perhaps we could be saying instead of “I’m not going to react” …..Be the energy you want to attract.

No one ever responds that well to you going off your rocker and flipping your lid.

Not even yourself, it’s like woops look what i just did?

A great mentor Dan Millman once said “Act as if” at first I thought this was the opposite to being authentic. However remembering your intention and acting in accordance with that rather than being a slave to feelings you didn’t choose, regardless of fleeting feelings is authenticity at its best!

Step 1 is not getting hijacked by paralytic feelings and a great way to do that is be the energy you want to attract. Or perhaps even better Be the energy you are attracted to, when you are loving you it doesn’t matter what others do.

When we get tossed about by others or the energy of certain highly charged feelings we can act in a way we really didn’t intend. When we do that we generally feel bad about it. We generally don’t love ourselves in my experience When we crack it, there’s a residue of self disappointment because it’s not what you wanted to do.

Yes It’s hard to follow through on our intentions sometimes…….yoga helps this because yoga strengthens the mind and how we respond to the mind.

No one wakes up and says I want to feel like shit today. Every morning when you wake up or come to your Mat, choose an intention. Actually ask yourself what quality of mind do.

I want to embody or work on strengthening today.

Then be the energy you want to attract, rather than get hijacked.

Tammy xox


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