Before you study others study yourself! The risks of pedestaling gurus & the Yoga of Svadhyaya (Self Study)

The 4th of the Niyamas in Yoga is Self Study (Svadhyaya) I came across this clip on how unfair it is to pedestal people (thanks to @brenebrown & @elizabeth_gilbert_writer ) which reminded me of something I wrote in my journal once about pedestaling.

I had written this post meditation out of a desperate desire to want to understand why so called Gurus fall from grace, after having a major reaction to the behaviour of some very well known teachers that a lot of people put up on a pedestal.

Turning Pedestaling Around – Let study of the Self, be your ground

Svadhyaya can be practiced in many ways
Before you study others study yourself!

(The Dangers of Pedestaling)
It’s ok to think the sun shines out of someone’s arse
As long as you remember everyone has a past
It may appear those you hold in high regard may have no fear
You look up to them, at their feet you bow near
You look at them as super human and think they have always been a certain way
Even enlightened or special some might say
Perhaps this “enlightenment” did not happen overnight
Maybe it was working through problems of their own leading them to a moment of insight
The next time you place someone up on a pedestal so high

Ask yourself is it fair, and why would I ?

A more important question is

Would you catch them if they fall?

Or would you judge them, be disappointed and appalled !?

No matter how strong someone may appear

Right next to their many strengths a weakness is near

Weakness in others maybe hidden for a time

But when your heros fall from grace , it is one way to remind

Stop, pause, consider if I cannot forgive others for their weaknesses can I forgive me for mine?!

So it’s ok to think the sun shines out of someone’s arse

But in regards to what you ‘think’

This too shall pass

Maybe the lesson in pedestaling is eventually you will see

This person is no different to you or me

There’s nothing wrong with pedestaling.

If you learn it’s a lesson in disguise

A chance to learn forgiveness,

an opportunity to become wise

Sometimes we place someone way up there

Then turn our back on them when they do not live up to expectations, and you stick your nose in the air

Only to quick to talk about how unyogic they are

Judging pointing the finger from a far

How quickly admiration can turn on its ear

When the root of this ignorance is always fear

How could they do that you maybe quick to say

Truth is you are judging yourself for putting them ‘up there’ anyway

When it comes down to it, no one is immune to the fall

If you do not place your expectations on this person

You will not be part of the collateral

Damage that only happens when we are at odds with what the truth maybe

Everyone needs to do the inner work of ‘Self’ discovery

It doesn’t imply that doing shit things to people is ok

But look deeper into the reason it ruins your day.

Putting someone up on a pedestal can muddy the ‘true’ view Putting yourself below anyone does the same thing too.

Come back to the reality maybe we all do our best

Keep things in perspective, you are no more or no less.

When someone falls from grace is it about their wrong doing or is it our test.

The Gita says an angry mind cannot see clearly, truth be told

From anger only comes confusion and in such a mind problems will never be solved

Meditation helps to develop the muscles of concentration that help us stay in our own lane.

Self study is more productive than pointing the finger and placing blame.

When I stretch, sit quietly and really listen in

The true art of self study takes me within

To realise I have a choice in that moment in time

I can bitch and winge about ‘them’ being unkind

Or let them mind their own business and with my breath I mind mine.


Contemplation Meditation on the Art of Self Study




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