A SUTRA FOR YOUR SUNDAY – HEART VS EGO – How Do you Spend your Time?

by Tammy Williams (Founder of Yoga NRG)

Tammy Arm Balance Yoga eNeRGy

Don’t be fooled into thinking the advanced poses in yoga and the amazing experiences one can have whilst meditating, are the goal of Yoga. Here’s a quote from Dan Millman that helps us keep our Yoga Practice in perspective.

“Inward spiritual practices such as meditation, breathing techniques, and self analysis generate insights and enhance abilities, but NONE are so useful as learning to live harmoniously in a committed relationship, being a skilful parent, or juggling the demands of daily life. Spiritual practice begins on the ground, not up in the air”
Everyday Enlightenment by Dan Millman

I love this perspective! For me being able to stay grounded is about the basics (the foundations) of which I have leant through my many distractions by the way!
Looking after my body, giving it the nourishment it needs through the basics of food, fitness, + rest (rest is something I have to consciously do by literally scheduling it in to my day & evening!) are the keys to keeping myself grounded.

I notice when I keep my practice of yoga regular I don’t actually have to “try and be nice” I AM. (I am not talking about being nice to others, Im talking about being nice to myself!)

If my practice of yoga falls off, I find it hard-er to juggle the demands of daily life. If my practice falls off I find it harder to be a nice person.

I have realised having a regular yoga practice strengthens my capacity to be a nice person (TO ME!) which in turn effects how skilful I am in all of my relationships (at work, at home and within my community).

If on the other hand I get obsessive and my focus and the way I spend my time becomes all about the physical practice of Yoga and nailing arm balances for example – I miss out on my relationships; I miss out on Life. Not because of arm balances but because of obsession of trying to keep up with others! In the process of that ‘dis-ease’ I am NOT practicing Yoga because I am strengthening the things that harm me the most (comparison/competition)

“None of these yoga poses are useful unless they help you to LOVE”

Comparing yourself to others especially based on whether you can do an arm balance or not is the exact opposite of LOVE. This ignorant dis-ease of comparison can be stopped in just one moment – it is the moment you pause, taking a deep breath in, a long breath out, softening the face, the lips, and have the courage to come out of your shitty habits and ask –

“what is driving me to do what I am doing? Is this a TRUE reflection of my intention – my hearts desire?”

How do I spend my time?
Do I want to spend my time strengthening my ignorance, obsessing about “Ive got to get better, and better and better” OR can I come back to the practice of YOGA. Whether I am doing an arm balance, standing in mountain pose, walking along the beach with my mum pose, treating myself with kindness pose can Can I “REALISE” what it is I AM DOING &

Personally, using my practice of Yoga to help me find balance in my heart first is what’s important, I’ve come to learn so far that is what serves me and those I love. Connecting to the truth of my heart, letting that awareness spread into my arms not only helps me in an arm balance but it also helps me realise that my arms are also there to hug someone I care about, feed myself good food, hold someones hand and go for a walk, and lend a helping hand to a friend or community. When I get so caught up in spending time just on the physical I might be able to nail an arm balance but I don’t find TRUE BALANCE.

My take on it is that lifes short. How much time do I want to spend working toward the advanced poses in Yoga (that some may foolishly think is these fancy arm balances) and how much time am I going to make for the things – that when I am on my death bed are the things that really matter in my heart. This is the advanced pose in yoga – taking ‘skilful action’ – actually DOING things that are important in life with kindness. I am assuming contentment before your very last breath in life is much sweeter than regret.

If an arm balance starts to become a tool for you to judge yourself against others do something else with your arms instead. Go for a walk or hold someones hand!

“At the end of the day, don’t be fooled. Do more of what is useful and less of what is not”

have a happy Sunday, Namaste xox Tammy

#AnotherWayToPracticeYoga #YogaEveryGodDamDay

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Danielle

    This year, I will give myself the gift of enjoying “Friend time”. This is just one of the many ways I will practice yoga this year. It’s not only a gift to me, but a gift to those people that are important to me. Thanks Tammy, for getting the ball rolling! x

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