What does Asana in Yoga mean and how does it help cultivate Mindfulness

Remember Yoga is an inside job & there’s no such thing as can’t. The word ‘asana’ is at the end of most yoga poses . It means “to sit” .…

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The Niyama of Letting Go & Celebrating Life as it is…..(Isvarapranidhana)

How our Magic Carpet of The Yoga Mat can help us Let Go ~ by Tammy Williams Just as Asana (the yoga postures) have the potential to undo the physical…

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How Mindfulness & Yoga helps us to understand feelings of Jealousy and Envy ~ The Art of Aparigraha: (Non-attachment/Non Hoarding)  

"I want what she's having" the famous line out of the movie When Harry Met Sally highlights the human tendency to want what others have got, because we think it…

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