The Myth about Flexibility & Yoga and How Mindfulness of the Subtle Body can help us

There is a huge myth about Yoga that its goal is flexibility. For sure flexibility 'can' be a healthy byproduct of the postures in Yoga. Flexibility can help and it…

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A Zen Story About Karma Mindfulness & Who Makes the Best Xmas Cake? An opportunity to say THANK YOU

A ZEN STORY ABOUT KARMA  AND MINDFULNESS OF WHO BAKES THE BEST XMAS CAKE and ..... THE ART OF FLOSSING   (A Visual Tutorial Below of some very advanced Mindfulness…

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•Mindful Methods of Discipline and The Niyama of Tapas in Yoga – What is it & How can it help

Imagine those you care about not having to compete with the shit that goes on in your mind for your undivided attention! Learn to be disciplined enough to leave harmful…

Continue Reading•Mindful Methods of Discipline and The Niyama of Tapas in Yoga – What is it & How can it help